Saturday, July 30, 2005

People in our lives

We come in this life alone (unless twins,triplets or like ;) ) and go alone but during our journey of life we meet many people in this world. We all are a part of a society primarily consisting of our parents and siblings followed by our close friends and cousins and then by people who constitute our expanded social circle as in colleagues in office, people around our house etc. Our life would have been very boring if not for these people. A lot can be learnt from people around us if we are able to identify correctly the purpose of each person in our lives.
People come into our life for a reason, season, treason or a lifetime. When we figure out which one it is, we can know what to do for each person.
People who come for a reason come for a short period and for a specific purpose.When someone is in our life is for a REASON, It is usually to meet a need we have expressed. They have come to assist us through a difficulty, to provide us with guidance and support,to aid us physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend! They are there for the reason we need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on our part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. They either walk away or pass away or go to some distant place or like. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done, and now it is time to move on.
Then people come into your life for a SEASON, because our turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may teach us something we have never done. They usually give us an unbelievable amount of joy. But this all, only for a season and when the individual's requirements have been met we find even these people departing from us inexplicably and involuntarily.
LIFETIME relationships teach us lifetime lessons: things we must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Our job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what we have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of our life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Now as every good has a bad, every white a black similarly there can be people in our lives who come for the entirely wrong purposes. I call these for treason mainly to rhyme with reason and season though their purpose can be varied. At times the person may not be wrong it might be just your relation which is not working which can be attributed to conflicting traits or reasons such as jealousy and at times the very person may have negative motive and intent against you which can be due to outright hatred or enemity. The extreme effects of such people can be varied such as picking up wrong habits to hurt and betrayal, divorce, court cases etc. I guess the only reason god sends these people in our lives is for us to learn to diffrentiate between the good and the bad, otherwise for people believing in a perfect world the coming of such people in people's lives is an inexplicable phenomena and amongst the many mysteries in this world yet to be unravelled.
I guess this broadly categorises the types of people we interact in our lives but not every person might fit into these. Some may change their stance from treason to season, some may not qualify to any of these 4 for eg people who would only want their purposes to be met in a relation and would never care about u eventhough they don have any malicious intent against you. Either way our success with dealing with people depends on developing instincts which can outright tell us the purpose of each person in our life. Well this was my take on people in our lives I would continue further on the topic in some of my future articles.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Journalism : a NOBLE profession ?

Hi folks, me just had a hecitc weekend and just started another hectic one. Lot has been in news these days, people who are journalist are certainly making lot of name and fame for themselves though at the cost of others, its almost that the competition have driven these people mad that they are willing to go at any lengths, invading private lives, carrying out sting operations defaming others nad then feel proud of it. The very profession of Jounalism is now under question of nobalism.
So, we had ASH n SALMAN in a relationship which broke in an ugly manner, police had tapes of their conversation with which they could do nothing, 4 years passed HT which was once the No.1 paper had recently been left behind the competition by TOI, so they took the rabit out of hat n published things which can be termed as vulgar in the mildest sense. Well the news certainly did what it was supposed to create sensationalism at the cost of 2 individuals for which the 2 individuals might repent for some time.
Ever since I read this article there have been many questions that have been plaguing my mind.
When HT had this news y din they publish it 4 yr back, other thing is the only thing that should concern them is sallu’s link with dons, y the hell r they publishing such dirt, they should atleast think that ASH is our nation’s pride n when this news will make headlines the world over what prestige will be left for that woman, how will she ever face the world, she would never be the same again.

Or do u think these things don make much diff these days, with Hollywood stars marrying n remarrying. How will Ash face the people at her next visit at Canes..

If sallu is not behaving in a civilized manner are people at HT ?

Friday, July 01, 2005

Getting Started

Just witnessed this new trend of people maintaining blogs , describing events of their lives.
I really liked this idea and since it is absolutely free so why think twice before starting my own blog. I am into my early twenties and soon to complete 1 year in my professional life. Lot has hapenned in this 1 year than I guess the entire earlier 21 years of my life, and I presume it will continue the same way so there would be enough to write.

So this is the rise of 1 more blogger in the horizon , another new phase in my life lets see how this one goes.